A Framework for Good Governance

Conversation with Robert Pretorius

Q.How is the membership issue ‘felt’ at your Church?

We conduct 4 Membership Meetings a Year. They also have that name, and on average 50% of the church attendance comes to that. It is conducted as an Information Meeting, and the asbl part is a minor, if mentioned at all in most meetings.


Some random text: But I've never been to the moon! You can see how I lived before I met you. Also Zoidberg. I could if you hadn't turned on the light and shut off my stereo.

An incremental list

Some notes. They are only visible using onstage shell.

More incrementals

Not only list elements can appear incrementally

Styles can be incremental too

Even more incrementals

They can even appear in any order !

Who's brave enough to fly into something we all keep calling a death sphere?

In the onstage shell, notes scroll rather than overflow:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ac dui eu est feugiat lacinia sit amet nec leo. Mauris eu ipsum leo. Nulla mi odio, cursus sed sollicitudin non, fringilla id magna. Suspendisse sit amet posuere elit. Maecenas iaculis, turpis a placerat imperdiet, libero lorem feugiat nisi, nec tincidunt diam nibh sit amet massa. Vestibulum quis adipiscing tellus. Maecenas sollicitudin sodales pulvinar. Donec dui ipsum, bibendum facilisis consequat interdum, tempus ut mauris. Aliquam ut dolor nec odio scelerisque bibendum quis in neque. Aliquam dui dui, pulvinar quis fermentum quis, gravida eu augue. Nunc tristique dolor a urna pulvinar bibendum. Curabitur mollis cursus neque, in scelerisque metus porta non. Donec tempor enim in nibh vestibulum et convallis nisi malesuada. Duis ut lectus sed metus venenatis porttitor id pharetra quam. Suspendisse sapien turpis, ornare in molestie et, gravida eget turpis.

Part two

An image
Kittens are so cute!
A video
